Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ohio Scottish Arts School Day 4

Each morning, Seumas led us in vocal warm-ups and talked about developments in the understanding of vocal pedagogy in the past 20 years. Then, he taught us Gaelic songs!

After morning singing, we went to our different classes. Being in a room this tight meant moving carefully and playing more softly.

Jen, our instructor on this day, demonstrates her unique tuning posture. Her garrishly ribboned tuning key seldom goes missing.

I always enjoy time with Marcia. She is as adept in making you laugh as she is engaging in philosophical life discussions. As a person who took up harping in her 60's, she provides a unique perspective and is inspirational.

In the evening, we attended the instructor concert. Jen has also been the MC for many years at OSAS, and her program notes are clamped in her jaw so she doesn't misplace them while tuning.

Jen sits down and takes a deep breath. Despite her exhortations, the crowd is still too subdued.

Subdued Crowd

Ann Heymann plays her wire strung harp
with her husband Charlie.

Ann and Charlie Heymann

Pipe and Drum Instructors

Seumas starts the Harp Instructor set.

His unique gut-strung harp was made by Jack Yule.

Each harp instructor played individual tunes followed by some tunes they all played together.

John Turner is a 10 time National Scottish Fiddle Champion of America and the fiddle instructor at OSAS. He is joined by Sue Richards as he plays, "Graceful Young Woman" which he composed upon the death of his wife. Tears flowed from my eyes as he played this heartfelt tune.

1 comment:

  1. Hot Hot Hot and Sweaty. It was hard not to be subdued but the talent was great this year.
