While vacationing in Bar Harbor several years ago, I spotted "Song of the Sea" music store. The "Harps" sign hanging outside lured me inside. I'd never been to a store where harps were sold, so I figured this might be my chance. I tried out a few 22 string harps, and decided that I'd purchase one of these small harps to see if this was an instrument that I wanted to pursue further. Then I needed to decide between cherry and walnut woods. I couldn't detect any noticeable differences in tone quality, so I looked for other ways to make my decision. Then I spied it. The medallion on the side of the harp read Stoney End along with the serial number 4061. Since I'd just turned 40 and I was born in '61, this seemed like the perfect clue as to which harp to choose. That first, small harp hooked me. I loved every minute of harp playing since then.
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