Monday, June 7, 2010

Bon Voyage Celebration with Neighbors

I love my neighbors. They decided to have a "bon voyage" celebration for me. We walked to a neighborhood restaurant and enjoyed the evening together.

Lindsay and Wes are my next door neighbors. They have me (and Doug) over for dinners and we try to bring desserts from Pistachia Dessert Boutique or from Bierberg's Bakery. They also let me borrow their mower. Yesterday we even co-purchased a power washer. They sit out on their front porch swing and listen to my harp playing. They even have a favorite tune and request "Isle of Aigas".

Tim and Amy live directly across the street. They don't stand outside yelling at each other in the middle of the night like the prior-to-the-prior owner did. But they do tell how Tim's sister relays her neighbor miseries. When she tells about how their neighbor is disputing property boundaries, they say, "Yeah, our neighbor sits on the front porch and plays his harp." When they visited from D.C. last weekend, they heard for themselves and knew it was true. And they knew Amy and Tim were rubbing it in.

It's nice to be appreciated by your neighbors. But it's even nicer to have such good neighbors to appreciate!


  1. Is anyone drinking Scottish beers at that table?

  2. Hi Steve! I hope you have a fantastic trip. And if you find yourself in Edinburgh on a Tuesday evening, I would *highly* recommend going to St. Peter's Church in Lutton Place for the country dancing . . . a very low-key, friendly group with relatively easy dances and live music.

    We'll miss you at Ohio, though! ;-)


  3. No Scottish beers at the table that evening. Stella Artois? Long Hammer? Guinness?

    We arrived a day late for the dance. Don't know if I'd've been able to go anyway. Our days have been jam packed full of other good stuff.
