Monday, June 14, 2010

Smailholm Tower

Today, we visited the area where Sir Walter Scott grew up. He was a sickly child and while being nursed back to health heard many legends, songs, and ballads of the Borders area. The tales he wrote in his life heavily romanticized life in this area, and helped to preserve many songs and stories.

Smailholm Tower is was a defensive keep that Sir Walter Scott could see from his house. This building now houses a museum that celebrates his legacy.


  1. You take wonderful pictures, Steve. Is that from hanging around Doug?

  2. I'm using Doug's camera. I think it has retained some of his gifts.

  3. Yes, and I feel naked without my camera. I'm going to Minneapolis for General Assembly and have no camera to take along. Egads, I might as well stay home.

  4. Sorry to strip you of your camera and leave you feeling vulnerable. There are some other cameras just like it on the trip. Hey! Don't you have another digital camera you could take? Seems like you got the new and improved Fuji camera before buying this one.
